Pakistan American Youth Organization (PAYO) is a community based organization with the purpose of providing a safe haven where inner-city youth participate in a comprehensive program of cricket, academic tutoring, and Counseling that promotes the physical, educational and life skills necessary to prepare and empower them for leadership in their communities and success in their personal lives.
Last year PAYO introduced another event, Independence Day to educate youth about sacrifices given to get independence by a flag ceremony, barbeque, and cake-cutting. Last year over two hundred guests attended this event under a safe environment. This year PAYO plans to do this event in a bigger scale by adding following:
Special volunteer will be there to manage and attend the participants.
Speech will be given by College students on American Independence Day.
Refreshment will be given to participants and kids.
Open to public, all families are welcome
PAYO believes every American should be facilitate to celebrate and do fun activities on this very special day.